Our Impact

The Difference We Make

At The Women’s Center, we are committed to understanding not just the reach of our programs, but also the changes in people’s lives as a result of those programs. It is incumbent on us to be the best we can be in the service of those who come to The Women’s Center for help, AND to be an excellent investment for those who support us with their time, talent and treasure.

Women and men moved out of poverty and became financially stable.

  • 83% of clients became employed at an average wage of $18.79/hour.
  • 100% of clients who found jobs were still employed at one year.

Women, men, and children recovered from violence, crisis, and mental health vulnerability.

  • 90% of clients receiving therapy achieved at least 75% of their goals to heal from the trauma of violence and/or improve their emotional and behavioral health.
  • 100% of socially isolated older adults in the PEARLS program improved their depression by an average of 79%.

Children and teens reduced their risk of sexual abuse and sexual assault.

  • 88% of kids tested after participating in the Play it Safe!® program demonstrated:
    • An increased knowledge of sexual abuse and an awareness that it is not a child’s fault.
    • Increased self-protecting knowledge/skills and the likelihood they would tell a trusted adult about abuse (34 disclosed to a Women’s Center trainer).

Annual Reports